If you give a girl a nickel, she'll want to put it in her piggy bank.
When you give her the piggy bank, she'll tell you she swallowed it.
You ask her where the nickel is and she says "in my belly".
She'll probably start crying because she has nothing to put in the piggy bank.
After she calms down, you tell her we have to go see the doctor.
She'll get so excited she'll think the doctor will take her nickel out.
The doctor can't take the nickel out so she'll have to get pictures...
of her belly
The girl will want to see the pictures.
When she sees the pictures, she'll see the nickel.
And chances are if she sees the nickel
She'll want to put it in her piggy bank.
Maybe in 1-3 days we will find the actual nickel haha fun times for mom and dad :/