Between having kids, not being "tech" savvy, and lets face it, just plain lazy it has taken me 2 years to finally put together a blog. I always "stalk" others blogs and think to myself, "man are people really that much cooler then me!" Probably not, but jotting down your crazy family happenings online just seems to make everything more interesting. Sometimes you just want to share with the world that you are proud of your 2 year old for peeing in her toy bucket instead of on the carpet. Sometimes you want to share that your baby just smiled at you even though she's only 3 weeks old. Or maybe you just want to vent about how annoying mother's can be and how you wish they can just go away, but then crap, you remember you are a mother too. Blogs don't judge though :) So here's to starting my adventure as a "Blogger" and hopefully, someday, someone can stalk my page and be just a little jealous of my crazy Christensen Chronicles.
OK, I am stalking......Love the blog! Now if only I could be as cool as you and try one too!