The Christensen Chronicles

Friday, April 4, 2014

Dropping the Ball

Holy Cow it has been 2 years since writing anything on this blog! It is safe to say I have officially dropped the ball on this one :) Leyah is now almost 5 and doing amazing in Preschool. I get to register her for Kindergarten next week, KINDERGARTEN. Unbelievable. She swims and plays soccer. Something a little special this soccer season is, I'm her Coach, haha, we shall see how that ends up. Jordan is now a little over 2 and doing amazing. Heart wise she is good to go. We are on a  once a year cardiology schedule which is pretty much the best you can do. She is still struggling with her milk protein allergy but we have all adjusted to making sure meals are dairy free. She is registered to start pre school next year, eeek. My baby, tear. Jordan is super smart too. She amazes Peter and I everyday with something she has picked up somewhere. As for Peter and I we are hanging in there. Peter is a machine when it comes to work, he travels a lot still but he enjoys it. He is in a flag football league for the second year in a row, woo hoo Go Team "Suns out, Guns Out" Hahaha Alrighty that was a SUPER quick little update about the fam, stay posted for more in depth posts.

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