The Christensen Chronicles

Saturday, April 21, 2012

unseasonably warm!

This weatehr is CRAZY! haha almost as crazy as the way I just spelled "weather". Anyway, Peter has been breaking down our deck and by doing so all of our summer time toys can now be seen from our living room windows. Leyah has been wanting to do the water table for awhile now and with these 70-80 degree days it was perfect. We don't have pictures of it but Jordan splashed her little piggies a few times as well :)
happy little lady
With this nice weather we have also been able to go to the park almost everyday and have picnics all the time. We found out last weekend that Shorty Jordy LOVES the swings woohoo!
Love her !

keeping busy

Being a stay at home mom is tough. I love it, don't get me wrong, but if you have never done it well you just don't know. I do my best to try and keep Leyah entertained yet educate her as well. I wish I was disciplined enough to have a circle time and lesson plans for her but that just doesn't happen. I have been taking her to the library lately where we pick out books on a certain subject and then try and focus on doing stuff that week with that subject, it's been pretty fun. For our bird week we made bird feeders and hung them all around the neighborhood, the best part was checking them everyday haha
finished product

one happy little girl
We had a water and science day which was pretty cool. Thanks to pinterest Leyah was entertained for an HOUR by dropping colored vinegar onto a pan of baking soda, I played too it was quite cool

Here comes Peter Cotton tail

sorry this is so late. Our easter was a ton of fun. The weekend before we kicked off festivities by going to the Ida Lee egg hunt. Leyah had a BLAST and we got to see the Easter bunny, Leyah had wanted to bring him a salad but we compromised with bringing him a carrot instead :)
Poor bunny carried that carrot for HOURS hahaha

egg hunts with Braden are the best

Leyah found a "special" egg and won a small prize

I completely forgot to take pictures of the girls getting their baskets on Easter morning, but they both enjoyed them, at least I'm assuming Jordan did :) Leyah got HOP the movie along with a few small chochkeys, and Shorty got a sweet rattle, bathing suit and rubber ducks. If you didn't know the easter bunny does NOT bring candy to our house haha b/c we all know he brings a ton of it to grandma's house haha.

Every year Cannon Ct. has a neighborhood egg hunt and we are fortunate enough to still be included, even though we aren't cannon courtonians anymore. I'm so used to Leyah being the smallest and youngest hunter on the street but this year she fit right in! That's crazy!
the hunt is on

growing up and fitting in
Easter lasted a long time thanks to a package coming everyday for about 3-4 days in a row, Leyah now thinks every package is for her with a treat. Thank you everyone for loving our girls!
Jordan with her sweet bunny hat :)
yiayia with crazy fun gifts haha

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jordan Update

SO it has been just about six weeks since Jordan's surgery and she is beyond thriving! We are loving to see her grow and change each day. At Jordan's 4.5 month appointment she weighed in at just under 12 pounds and a week later at her cardiology appointment 12.9 pounds!!! I/we are so excited. She has rolled over a few times, is eating solids and being a general baby bad ass. WE LOVE YOU SHORTY JORDY!

First time in the baby command center

modeling a tutu I made for a charity event

Jordan turns 5 months, AT HOME :)

love my baby's blue eyes <3 

St. Patties week in Photos

our rainbow jar cakes to get us in the spirit

we made leprechaun poop a few days prior to st. patricks day

festive b-fast during the week

I think someone enjoyed it

decorated hat :)

St. Pattie's day morning( leyah had pneumonia here and we didn't know it at the time)

green themed bfast which our sick girl didn't eat :(

green eggs and pistatio muffins for mommy and daddy

feeling a bit better and up for the park

the cozy coupe had to wear green too

sooo this is a MOM at the park!? what! niice lady (enlarge to see what shirt says)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Heart and Kidney Unit (HKU)

Our new home until we are discharged :) Things here are crazy chill, from the minute Jordan got her room we pretty much had full access to do whatever we wanted with her. We can change her diaper freely, wipe her down, feed her bottles and even hold her!
I've never been so excited and nervous at the same time
In the HKU the nutritionist wanted to start Jordan immediately on her 30 cal/oz "protein shakes" to help make up for lost time. This was a terrible decision. In the above picture I was giving her her first 4 oz protein shake, about 5 mins after finishing she violently threw it all up :( We thought it was just a fluke, until she did it with her next one, and the next, and the next. 4 Bottles. The nurses were going to continue on this puke fest until I asked to switch her to plain breastmilk, they reluctantly agreed and BAM she held it down no problem, imagine that :) So She was on BM for all of Friday and did fantastic.  She has been eating, burping, going to the bathroom, pretty much meeting the all the normal baby requirements. On Saturday her daily chest x-ray showed that it was time to remove her chest tubes and pacing wires. Those hurt. They gave Jordan some morphine then grabbed those suckers and yanked, like starting a lawn mower! It looked terrible and boy did she wail, poor baby. It got a lot better fast though and she loves being held. As of right now we can go home Monday and we can't wait! I can't believe we will be bringing home Jordan with her little mended heart.

Jordan turns 4 months old

first getting to the HKU

Chest tubes out and feeling good

26 hours CICU

Wed 2/29

2pm- saw Jordan for the first time is CICU
7:40pm- started waking up, ventilator turned down to respiratory rate of 20
9pm- Awake with eyes open! Oral gastric tube removed
9:20pm- ventilator turned down to respiratory rate of 9!

Thur 3/1

1:40am- taken off of ventilator and put on O2 :)
2:20am- 2oz pedialite bottle
8:30am- 2 oz breast milk bottle
9:30am- Left atrial pressure line removed, arterial line removed
12pm- 2 right atrial pressure lines removed, catheter removed
3:30pm- got a crib and moved to the heart and kidney unit, GOODBYE CICU!

a few mins after being take off the vent.

Sweet girl

Peter got to feed Jordan her pedialite, lucky :) 

just taking a snooze, still pretty loopy

Friday, March 2, 2012

At first sight

(warning graphic photos at end of post)

We were warned it would be scary. We were warned about all the tubes. We were warned about everything, yet still nothing could have prepared us for seeing our sweet girl in the CICU.  Walking through the halls to Jordan's room was eerie, one room after another filled with very sick children, they were packed, all 26 beds were full most of which were babies.  Various beeps and alarms were going off in virtually every room. We rounded the corner and were led to the last room on the left. Fluorescent lights filled the room, 2 floor to ceiling electrical "trees" covered in equipment surrounded a twin sized hospital bed. There was a portable x-ray machine and technician taking chest x-rays, a nurse trying to do an EKG and a nurse finishing up attaching Jordan to the "trees". All this going on but the only thing Peter and I see is a lifeless Jordan spread out on a bed that is 10 times too big only making her appear smaller. Tubes and wires literally everywhere. A machine breathing for her.
The tears just poured down Peter and mines faces, it was as if it were a reflex, there was no stopping the flow. We just stood there holding hands and watched as they manipulated her little body to accommodate their needs. Numb. We were just numb.
After x-rays were taken, after the EKG lines were removed, after finishing hooking her up we finally got to move close enough to touch her little body.  The nurse pointed out and explained to us all of the stuff on her.  This is a list of what our 11 pound 24 inch baby had:
1. A ventilator tube in nose- breathing machine
2. Oral gastric tube- in mouth down to stomach to let air escape
3. Iv in left wrist
4. Arterial Line(stitched into Right wrist) -used to measure BP, blood O2 level and take blood without an additional stick
4. Iv in right foot
5. Pulse ox on toe- measure O2 level in blood
6. Monitor on forehead - measures O2 in brain
7. Monitor on back - measures O2 in kidneys
8. Catheter - tube used to drain urine
9. 2  Right atrial pressure tubes- inserted into right atrium to measure pressure(stitched in place)
10. Left atrial pressure tube - inserted into left atrium to measure pressure(stitched in place)
11.2 chest drainage tubes (stitched in) - allows blood and excess fluid drain out of chest cavity
12. 3 external pace maker lines - attached to heart and used to get the heart to beat at the right beat in a case of an emergency( these were never used :) )
13. 5 EKG leads on stickies all over chest- measures heart rate, pulse and respiratory rate

Over whelming is an understatement.
1 hour after VSD/ tetrology of fallot repair

1 "tree"
2 "tree"

The full picture :(

Leap day 2012

Jordan's surgery was scheduled to begin at 8:30am with anesthesia starting at 7:30am. We got to children's hospital around 6am and did all the regual registration stuff that one has to do at a hospital. We got called back to a "room" right on schedule where Jordan got wiped down with special wipes (they were warm too!) had all her vitals taken and then she was given a stylish gown :) We were very lucky that it was so early and she's such a good baby, she was sleeping most of the time, thank god becasue she hadn't eaten since 3am. 7:30 came and went, which we half expected, when are hospitals ever on time haha. We were informed we'd have a 30 min delay due to an emergency and since Jordan was perfectlt content we were alright with that. Waiting...waiting...waiting... Finally someone came and told us at around 8:50 that her surgery was pushed back by 2-3 HOURS due to the emergency surgery! I'm all about getting sick babies fixed but I would be lying if I said I didn't mind getting bumped, poor think was starting to get so hungry too. I decided I might as well go pump while I had the chance seeing as how I was going to have to do it every 3 hours anyway why not start now.  You'd think that being in a hospital setting, a Children's hospital setting no less, that one would be able to pump right there, no I had to go into the surgical center waiting room and find the "quiet room" which was occupied. Too bad haha I'm pretty sure I tramautized the teenager trying to do her homework in there by busting out my breastpump. Anywho, 5 mins into pumping Peter called my cell phone and with limited service I was able to make out "they are taking her NOW come back!" I have never moved to quick in my life, not that they would have, but I was just picturing them taking her back and me not getting to say goodbye. Needless to say I made it back within 30 secs and all was well, we had our quick hugs and kisses and that was that. We still don't know what changed from them telling us we'd have to wait 2-3 hours and then they took her 5 mins later. who knows.
in the "holding cell" before surgery, can you tell we'd been awake for 2 days straight
Heart families are special in the surgical center. We got a pager for text message updates and some meal vouchers. And now the real waiting began. We were pretty hungry so we chilled in the cafeteria and recieved our first page around 10:30 letting us know that surgery had started. A quick 30 mins later bypass had been started. Wow, just writing that is weird, my daughter was on bypass :( Everything seemed to go real quick after that. We just "relaxed" in the cardiology intensive care unit (CICU) waiting room; it was much calmer there and we were able go online and watch tv. Before we knew it we were making our way back to the surgical center to meet with Dr. Jonas (jordan's surgeon) because surgery was done. Everything had gone very good and Jordan was doing fantastic. They had closed her VSD and also found another small hole that they closed. They shaved down some "beefed up" muscle bundles in her right atrium, like we had thought, as well. Ever since Jordan was born we had been told that she had a large VSD, that's it. But apparently because of the muscle bundles and the other small hole Jordan's actual diagnosis was "pink tetrology of fallot". I haven't had a chance to look up exactly what that is but I will here shortly. We knew we now had about an hour before we could be reunited with Jordan up in the CICU. I was soooooo excited I couldn't wait to see her, I missed her. We had been told repeatedly that seeing her for the first time was going to be hard, we had went over all the tubes and stuff she would have with nurses and doctors, hell we even looked up pictures of other kids so we could prepare ourselves ahead of time. Whatever. NOTHING can prepare you for seeing your child like that Nothing...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rise and Shine

Surgery is tomorrow, ahhhh. Actually I'm doing pretty well, Peter is too. Shorty Jordy had her pre op today and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had pictured. I've been up since 3am and am supposed to get up at 3am again to give Jordan her "last meal" then we have to leave the house at 4:50am, holy crap! it's officially worse then labor :)
Jordan in her gown haha cute!
Pre op started off with the usual vitals routine, where we found out she has lost a little more weight, stinker. BP, pulse ox, Heartrate, ekg all looked good. 
This is Jordan's shout out to Jolie's Right leg at the oscars:)

Next stop was blood work. It's never fun to see your kid cry but Jordan cried for the giant rubber band tied around her arm not the actaul needle, haha we couldn't help but laugh a little at that, poor baby girl. She calmed down quickly and all was good. Now I don't know if it's just Peter's and mines coping technique but we laughed our asses off at how they gave Jordan her chest x-ray, I'm sure it helped that she smiled the whole time like it was a giant game. 
Our big girl getting chest x-rays, hahah
Sorry if that disturbs some people but we truly think it's hilarious. All is well here and I need to head off to bed, if I can, I'm sure I will write more tomorrow while we wait the 6 hours to be reunited with out sweet baby girl. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 steps forward...

...1 Step back :(

we are 5 days out from Jordan's surgery and today started our marathon of appointments, we have 1 almost everyday until surgery.  Today was a regular cardiology appointment where I was really looking forward to them telling me, "Jordan's 12 lbs! Good job mom!". Nope. Poor thing LOST 4 ounces in the past 2 weeks, dammit! Shorty is now down to 11 lbs 1 oz, that's below the 5th percentile which if she wasn't having her surgery next week would put her in the category of Failure to Thrive. She has not been diagnosed with that, she just meets the criteria.
Jordan's regular cardiologist is out of town so we had to see an associate, I wasn't a fan. She told me Jordan can only have breast milk/formula bottles (we call them her protein shakes) and that I shouldn't nurse her anymore, at all. Screw that! I completely understand that she needs more calories which is what she gets through her protein shakes and I have no issue giving her the bottles throughout the day, but as for right before bed and in the middle of the night I WILL nurse her. I couldn't believe a female doctor was telling me to not nurse my 4 month old baby especially when her regular male doctor said I can absolutely do so.  Unbelievable.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

If you give a girl a nickel

If you give a girl a nickel, she'll want to put it in her piggy bank.
When you give her the piggy bank, she'll tell you she swallowed it.
You ask her where the nickel is and she says "in my belly".
She'll probably start crying because she has nothing to put in the piggy bank.
After she calms down, you tell her we have to go see the doctor.
She'll get so excited she'll think the doctor will take her nickel out.
The doctor can't take the nickel out so she'll have to get pictures...
of her belly
The girl will want to see the pictures.
When she sees the pictures, she'll see the nickel.
And chances are if she sees the nickel
She'll want to put it in her piggy bank.

Maybe in 1-3 days we will find the actual nickel haha fun times for mom and dad :/

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Best V-Day EVER

I thought Peter being home was a great valentines day gift but I can honestly say after spending 9 valentines days together this one wins and I'm pretty sure nothing will ever top it :)

some yummy heart and mini m&m pancakes

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jail Break

With shorty Jordy's surgery date quickly approaching we have been put essentially on "house arrest" to minimise germ exposure. I've been doing my best to keep Leyah occupied because I know how hard it is to be stuck in the house, poor kid. This past week we colored pasta and made necklaces which was super fun until she started to eat the pasta haha ok Monica Gellar :) I also cut out paper hearts and had her glue tissue paper to them, easy peasy. We made 4 for our family, cute right!? My favorite activity was making chocolate dipped pretzel rods today though. The plan was to have her actually help but that quickly turned into her just eating everything, I should have known. After she finished eating her weight in chocolate I semi ignored her so I could finish up the pretzels, boy was that a mistake. After about 10 mins of her "behaving" she comes running into the kitchen laughing and talking about my phone as she hands me the phone completely submerged in a glass of water, doh. Thus begins our "jail break" of leaving the house in search of a new phone. Please keep in mind I do not have a smart phone ahaha it's an old school candy bar nokia which I'm pretty sure cost me $20, but I loved my ghetto phone, parting is such sweet sorrow ;( The closest T-mobile is the mall, yuk, so we ventured out in this arctic tundra and germ infested mall only to be told that T-mobile doesn't sell just phones without a plan upgrade, WHAT?  A phone store who wont just sell you a phone, what is wrong with this world. I was told to go to wal-mart, haha well damn if I knew that HA.  We eventually make it to wally world and I am now a proud new owner of an Alcatel?
Macaroni necklaces

fun times with pasta

Our family hearts

Yummy chocolate dipped pretzels

haha I had to add a cute one of Jordan too